Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Night at the Movies - The Soloist

This is a pretty good movie. Jamie Foxx plays Nathanael Ayers, a homeless man with mental problems who just happens to be musically gifted. Robert Downey Jr. plays Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez. Lopez meets Ayers by chance on the streets of LA and is drawn to him as an inspiration for a column. As Lopez gets to know Ayers, he gets more drawn into the man's life and begins to feel it is his duty to save him. But in the end, Ayers doesn't want salvation, he wants a friend.

This is all based on actual columns (and eventually a book) by the real Steve Lopez. I remember Lopez as a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer many years ago. He also used to write for Entertainment Weekly. Foxx, who proved he was a good actor in Ray, pulls of a stunning performance as the much more troubled Ayers. He also apparently learned to play the cello for the part and although I'm not a good judge of this, I read an article which says he plays very well. This probably won't be in the theaters much longer as the summer blockbusters are coming so hurry out and see it. Or rent it when its out on DVD.

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