Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I blog therefore I am

This is the 6th Blog Bat Around. I haven't participated in one of these before but I thought I give it a try. Here are the Top Ten Reasons I blog about baseball cards.
#1 I love baseball and this gives me a chance to write about baseball.
#2. I love collecting baseball cards and I love talking about my collection. I've pretty much bored everyone I know (including my long-suffering wife) about my collection but here I'm talking to others who love baseball cards as well.
#3. I have a lot of baseball cards (67,782 different cards). I'm sure there are folks who have more cards than I do and folks who have better baseball cards than I do but I've go a lot of cards and a lot of interesting cards. There is always something to write about.
#4. I like to write and this is something I know something about that I can write about. BTW, it was real hard to find a card with a player wearing a #4.
#5.Were I live, baseball card collecting has become a solitary hobby. There are no decent card shops around and I don't know a single adult who collects cards. Here I can share my collection with others.
#6. I continue to blog because of the community. I didn't expect this when I started. I've met a bunch of friendly, generous people here.
#7. No number 7. Just an excuse to post a Mickey Mantle card.
#8. My blog is called Capewood's Collections because I collect other things than baseball cards. I collect Cliff Walk postcards, music, bonsai plants, and books (not so much to buy but to read). So I write about these other things as well on occasion. Most of my hobby energy goes into my cards so that's what I write about the most.
#9. Because I can. I've thought this concept of blogging was interesting for awhile and had been looking for an idea. I discovered baseball card blogs early last year and said to myself, "I can do that".
#10. I've got opinions and and I don't mind sharing them.


  1. All valid reasons! Kudos for the Baines pic.

  2. Oh, no, no, no. Ron Cey is Number 10. Forever and ever.

    Nice post.

  3. Nice post! I love the "I can do that" philosophy!
