Monday, February 2, 2009

What do these players have in common?

You can add to this list Doug Brocail, Russ Springer, Troy Percival and Arthur Rhodes.

One thing they have in common is that they are all over 40 years old. Which means they were all born in the 1960s. They are the only active players (meaning they are on some team's 40-man roster) who born in the 1960s.

Over the years I've noted the following milestones with regret:

The retirement of the last player who was older than me (born before 10/27/51)
The retirement of the last player born in the 1950s
The debut game of the first player who was younger than my oldest son (born after 4/13/84)

I don't remember who these players were and it doesn't really matter. The nest milestone, the retirement of the last player born in the 1960s. Who will it be?


  1. I was born in 1967 and have been monitoring this one. Hoping Jamie Moyer is the last to go, but somehow I am thinking that Mariano Rivera can stick around a few more years.

    Also starting to check for players born after I graduated High School. ugh.

  2. My "I'm getting older" reference point was: the last player to retire who was competing before I started following baseball.

    When Dennis Eckersley retired, that was a sad day.
