Sunday, February 1, 2009

Capewood's Collection - One-Year Anniversary

Back in January I wondered if there were any blogs devoted to baseball cards. So I went to Google, typed in "baseball card blogs" and found The Baseball Card Blog. Ben Henry's blog (now since retired) had been published since January 2006. I also found Stale Gum, Chris Harris' blog which has archives going back to May 2001, but he's been doing this since 1998. Through them, I found other blogs. After reading them for a few weeks, I decided I could do this as well. Capewood's Collections was launched on February 1, 2008, with the pride of my baseball card collection, a Mike Schmidt rookie card.

At the time, I figured I'd be lucky if I could get a few of my friends and relatives to read it. Since few of them are interested in baseball cards, I wanted to have a broader appeal. I wanted to feature a number of things I was interested in such as photography, bonsai plants, old postcards, music, etc. Here's what 262 posts over the past year have amounted to:

It's been mostly baseball cards. Since I started, a lot of other people have started baseball card blogs (and I found a few more which predated me). And I found that these people were reading mine. So my audience isn't what I expected. Frankly, I didn't expect to have an audience at all. I'd read that the average blog has 1 reader. I'm way ahead of that. I'm currently getting 40-60 hits a day which is great. Doing this for the past year has been a rewarding experience. I've met some very nice people on-line and feel a part of a community of collectors.

2008 was an eventful year for me. My daughter graduated from college, we survived Hurricane Ike, I had 3 stents put in my heart. It was great being able to share my life and my baseball cards with so many. Thanks to you all.

Now on to year 2...


  1. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary & good luck for year two!

  2. Congrats for one year and good luck on your second ! Like you , I'm working on my Indian want list , I'm constantly trying to add to it.I have a LOT of cards to trade and I'll be checking on your lists.

  3. I do not see a sophomore slump coming - keep it up Cliff and congrats

  4. Happy Anniversary, Cliff. Love reading your stuff. Keep doing what you're doing.

  5. Congrats on One Year . . . Happy Anniversary !

  6. Congrats on a year. Keep up the good work.

  7. Congrats on 1 year. Always look forward to your column.
