Monday, February 9, 2015

2015 Topps - Third Pack

This will be the last pack-by-pack post. I also bought a rack box, and on Friday I got a blaster. Later in the week I'll pose anything interesting from those.

This is the first card of this guy I've seen. He made is major league debut late in 2014.

I had noticed, but hadn't pain much attention that the border pattern extends into the photo on the bottom of the cards. On the horizontal cards, th border extends too much into the photo.  And what is it with these camo jerseys? I don't get it.

Checklist/season highlight card. And a little product placement for ESPN.

This is the third Marlins card I've pulled vs no Phillies or Astros.

One of the 10-card "The Jackie Robinson Story" insert.

Two bearded-player cards in a row. What percentage of current players sport facial hair do you suppose?

Two Mets in a row, which makes this the third Met card in 3 packs. 20% of the cards so far have been either a Met or a Marlin.  Not a good trend.

The only fielding play in the pack. And pretty much the most boring photo in the 3 packs so far.


  1. I like the Jackie's better than the Babe's from Walmart.

  2. On the Norris card I think it's odd that they show last year's minor league stats and then his three year totals. Then they make a note of who he played for. Why not just show all three years worth of stats. It's not like they didn't have the room.

  3. I concur with Brian, the Jackie R. cards are much cooler than the Babe's. I think I'm going to have to stop by Target.
