Wednesday, June 18, 2014

That time Mike Schmidt scored from first on a wild pitch

The Phillies made wholesale changes in the TV broadcast booth, replacing Chris (Wheels) Wheeler and Greg (Sarge) Matthews with former Phillie players Jamie Moyer and Matt Stairs. Tom McCarthy, now in his 6th year, remains the play-by-play guy. Although Moyer and Stairs are not, in my opinion, as good as Wheels and Sarge, I'm starting to like them. Moyer, in fact is very knowledgeable, and adds a lot of insight. Another change they made was to install former Phillie great, and my favorite player of all time, Mike Schmidt, in the TV booth for Sunday games.

In last Sunday's game Schmitd was recounting the time he scored from first base on a wild pitch by David Cone.  He claims to be maybe the only player in baseball to have scored from first on a wild pitch. Although the broadcast staff could not support that claim by the end of the game they did come up with a video.

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