Sunday, May 19, 2013

Song of the Week - Good Ole Rock and Roll Music - Cat Mother...

One of my all-time favorite record albums is the 1969 release "The Street Giveth...And The Street Taketh Away" by Cat Mother and the All Night News Boys. The LP had 11 songs, everyone of them great. It was 50 minutes long, quite long for an LP in those days. It was produced by their good friend Jimi Hendrix.  There was one hit song from the record, a medley of '50s songs which really wasn't typical of the album as a whole.It's the only video I know of them from back in the day.

I played the heck our of that record. Since the demise of my last working turntable and the rise of CDs and MP3, I hadn't heard the record for years. A few years ago my family gave me a USB turntable for my birthday, which made the tedious task of digitizing old LPs a little easier. One of the first records I did was "The Street Giveth...". But the record was so worn out that it sounded terrible. I thought, well at least I can listen to it, even with the flaws.

I'd been looking for the album on CD or on iTunes for ears with no success. There had been a limited CD release around 1998 that I missed. One of the songs came up on iTunes the other day and it was so bad I couldn't listen to it. I checked one again on Amazon, and surprise, a new CD was recently released. I ordered it immediately.

It's great to be able to hear those old songs again.

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