Monday, November 5, 2012

1948 Plexiglas-Coke ad

I worked 35 years for the Rohm and Haas Company until they were bought by Dow Chemical in in 2009. Among other things, R&H invented Plexiglas and I had some involvement with various Plexiglas products during my career. There is a surprising amount of Rohm and Haas memorabilia on eBay and I do a search every now and then. What I especially like are Plexiglas ads. These generally fall into two categories. During World War II, Plexiglas was used for warplane canopies and you see a lot of ads featuring fighters and bombers proudly wearing their Plexiglas canopies. After the war, Rohm and Haas was successful in moving Plexiglas into architecture (like skylights) and into signage. Most of the 1950s and later ads appear in architectural and advertising magazines.

This ad is a particularly nice one in that it's an advertisement type ad, from the 1940s. And it appeared in the October 25, 1948 issue of Time Magazine.

It also features the Coca-Cola logo which is very collectable. And since it's in Time Magazine, the back of the page has some interest as well.

There is a little piece about Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich.  According to Wikipedia, Shostakovich had been denounced by the Communist government in February 1948 for the sin of "formalism". The second sentence of the article makes a little more sense when you know this.

The page also features an ad for Smith-Corona typewriters that says about as much as one can say about changes in attitudes toward working women and changes in technology as one could say in a 3/4 page advertisement.


  1. I still own a smith corona typewriter. There is a bunch of younger readers wondering "what's a typewriter?"

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