Monday, May 21, 2012

Movie Review - The Avengers

We finally got to see this over the weekend. I'm not going to write a review, other than to say I thought it was fantastic, since there is nothing I can add to what's already been written. The only reason I can think of for you not to have already seen the movie is that you were waiting to see what I had to say about it, which seems pretty unlikely.

In my opinion it's the best of the Marvel superhero movies, and maybe the best superhero movie ever. At least until The Dark Knight Rises comes out in July. My daughter says I'm wrong, that Thor was better, mainly because it had more Thor than The Avengers. The charms of Chris Hemsworth appeal more to her than to me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm probably a bit late in the game, and you're right, everybody else before us has already written everything there is to be said about this film, but I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of people who found the Avengers deliciously entertaining!This is what an action film should be! Here's my 2 cent review:
