Sunday, December 4, 2011

Song of the Week - Here We Are Juggernaut by Coheed and Cambria

I almost never listen to the radio anymore. I get new music from a couple of daily podcasts, recommendations from my daughter and CDs from the library. Consequently, I have a lot of stuff that I like, but I have no conception of whether or not the performers are popular or get air play. Not that this bothers me, as my musical tastes have always run away from pop radio.

I picked up an album called The Second Stage Turbine Blade by Coheed and Cambria earlier this year at the library. It mostly seems like heavy metal to me which is not a genre I particularly like, but there were clearly other influences at work in this album and it appeals to me. Wikipedia calls them progressive, but that term has undergone a lot of revision since the days of late 60s and early 70s bands like Yes and Pink Floyd. They've been around since 1995 so they must have some sort of following. Is this sort of music played much on radio these days?

When I decided to feature something by them I found this.

The science fiction aspects of the video were interested so I looked them up on Wikipedia. Second Stage is their first of 5 albums, all revolving a central science fiction theme called The Armory Wars. A series of comic books and a full-length novel also work out the story. I've not listened to the album in any coherent way (I just hear tracks when iTunes decides to play one) so I had no idea there was a story setting.

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