Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2011 Summer Clearance Trade - American League East

It's that time of the year again. That's right, it's time for the annual Capewood's Collections Summer Clearance Trade. We've been doing this since way back in 2010. This is your chance to get a pile of cards from your favorite team and all it's going to cost you is Phillies and/or Astros cards that you don't want. My junk wax for your junk wax. To be fair, not all the cards I'm offering are junk but they are mostly going to be commons with some star cards. No relics, no autos, no serial numbered cards. There is a large variety of cards available from the 1980s through 2011. I'm going to present representative cards from each team, by conference.

If you're interested in making a deal please claim your team in the comments. We'll conclude the deal via email. While I'm interested in any Phillies or Astros, I would prefer post-1980s Phillies and post-1994 Astros. Oddball cards from any time are welcome.

Yankees - Claimed
96 Yankees cards from the 1990s through 2011 are available (plus a few more from 2011 Topps Series 2).
1980s - 30 cards
1990s - 22 cards
2000s - 20 cards
2010s - 24 cards

Red Sox
102 Red Sox cards from the 1990s through 2011 are available (plus a few more from 2011 Topps Series 2).
1980s - 35 cards
1990s - 22 cards
2000s - 17 cards
2010s - 28 cards

Only 32 Rays cards from the 1990s through 2011 are available (plus a few more from 2011 Topps Series 2). Rays cards are scarce for some reason down here in Texas.
1980s - none (of course)
1990s - 1 card
2000s - 13 cards
2010s - 18 cards

Blue Jays
84 Jays cards from the early 1980s through 2011 are available (plus a few more from 2011 Topps Series 2).
1980s - 27 cards
1990s - 23 cards
2000s - 13 cards
2010s - 21 cards

Orioles - Claimed
77 Orioles cards from the early 1980s through 2011 are available (plus a few more from 2011 Topps Series 2).
1980s - 25 cards
1990s - 15 cards
2000s - 11 cards
2010s - 26 cards


  1. I would like to claim the Baltimore Orioles. I know I have alot of Phillies and Astros to trade.

  2. I'd like to claim the Yanks. Hopefully we can work something out. steven dot drennen at gmail dot com

  3. I would claim the Red Sox but I probably only have about 6 Phillies to trade at the moment..

  4. Jason C. THe O's are yours.
    Steve D. The Yanks are yours
    I'll be in touch,

    AdamE I don't necessarily need the same number of cards back by 6 is a bit thin.
