Monday, February 7, 2011

3 years and counting

It's been busy at Capewood Manor and what with an ice storm going on last Thursday, I completely missed that February 3rd was the third anniversary of my first blog post. In those three years I've managed to make 685 posts. Pretty respectable, I think.

When I started this, there were not too many baseball card blogs that I could find. I'm by no means a pioneer at this but I think, by now, I've been at it longer than many. I seem to have gotten into this just as the number of baseball card blogs began exploding. There are lots of blogs around now and many have been around as long as or longer than me.

There have been a lot of changes in my life in the past three years, many of which I've shared here. Not in any order but here are a few of the highlights:

Hurricane Ike
3 stents in my heart (the day before Ike)
I lost my job of 35 years but found a new one within 2 months that was almost as good
My daughter got her Master's Degree in Library Science
My oldest son moved to the Dallas area
The Phillies won the World Series and appeared in another one.
Through it all, I've remained a baseball card collector. The 2011 collecting season has already started and I'm behind in blogging but that's a chronic problem with blogging.

Thanks to those who read and especially those who comment.


  1. Happy 3rd! That's a long time.

    Always look forward to seeing what's going on at Capewood Manor.

  2. Wow, three years. I hope I'm still around in three years. Congratulations on the anniversary!

  3. Happy third BD, Cliff. I'm at about half that and I think of quitting at least once a month. Comments do help.

  4. Congrats on 3 years. We share the same blog B-Day as mine hit the first year mark on Feb. 3.
