Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Photoshop Masterpieces

I love it when I find stuff like this. Doug Mientkiewicz played the 2005 season with the Mets. He had finished the 2004 season with the Red Sox. In 2005, I think the Topps set was probably issued very late in 2004, or early 2005, before 2005 Spring Training. But here is his 2005 Topps card as a Met. How did they get a picture of him in a Mets uniform? In the old days, the answer was airbrushing which always looked pretty crude. Today (even in 2005) we have Photoshop (or other programs like it).
Here is his 2005 Topps Opening Day card as a Red Sox.

It seems likely that the picture was originally of him in a Red Sox uniform which they Photoshopped for the Topps card. Now here is what puzzles me. Topps Opening Day would typically come out near the beginning of April. If they already altered a photo to make him look like a Met in an earlier release, why did they issue the Opening Day set with him as a Red Sox?


  1. It's numbered in the 500's- The top card is from series two.

  2. Thanks Matt, I hadn't thought of that. It's still a pretty nice job og photoshopping.
