Monday, July 6, 2009

eBay Surprise part 2

This is what I bought on eBay, a 1996 Red Foley Lenny Dykstra. This is a 2 inch by 2 3/4 inch card which came in a children's baseball activity book. The cards came on a perforated sheet. I'm attempting to compile a complete listing of 1990s vintage Phillies cards and came across this set. A quick check on eBay and there were several being offered. Someone was offering a complete Red Foley book but it had cards missing so I passed.

As a bonus, the seller threw in this 1988 foil logo Panini sticker. I didn't have any of these.
And he also threw in this:
It is clearly from Fleer and it's a sticker. The back looks like this:
It's a blurry photo of the roof of the Phillies dugout in Vet Stadium. It looks like it is part of a puzzle. There appears to be a policeman standing on the roof which makes me think the photo is from a playoff game. There is no year on the card and I've never seen anything like it. Can anyone identify this for me?


  1. I often wondered about the Red Foley cards,I'd heard of them but never looked them up.This is first I've seen.

  2. It is Fleer, 1982. The puzzle of is of the 1981 All-Star game at Cleveland Stadium. According to Wikipedia the attendance that night of 72,086 is still a record.

  3. Hackenbush - thanks for the info. I wasn't buying cards in 1981 and although I own a bunch of 1981 Fleer, I've never bought a pack of it so I didn't know what the stickers looked like. Veteran's Stadium in Philly used to have team logos on the dugout roofs which is why I thought it was Vet Stadium. An All-Star game makes sense. Explains the policeman (if that's what it is) on the roof as well.

  4. Hackenbush beat me to the punch with the 1981 All-Star Game puzzle. I've never seen the Red Foley cards - great find!
