Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2009 2nd basemen cards

I only have 24 Topps cards featuring 2nd basemen compared to 33 1st basemen but the photos are more varied. The 1st basemen cards were all of either hitting or fielding. The 2nd basemen cards feature 9 fielding, 8 batting, 4 running the bases, 2 on-deck and this picture:Matt Antonelli screws his helmet on.
The fielding shots are that exciting. This is the best. Kevin Frandsen fielding a throw from the catcher on a steal attempt. I'd guess that the runner was safe.
Jose Lopez starts a double play.
Chase Utley leaps over a sliding Red.
Mark Ellis takes what looks like a late swing.
Another awkward swing as Howie Kendrick protects the plate.
But it looks like Alexi Casilla got all of it.
Ray Durham slides into home. It looks like the catcher has the ball in his glove so it's going to be a close play. Durham has been around a long time. He'd be in his 15th season but he doesn't seem to be playing this year.
Jamey Carrol rounds third giving it his all.

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