Saturday, January 3, 2009

My name is, uh, Capewood. And I - I - I...

In case you don't get it in your newspaper, Tank McNamara is a sports-oriented daily comic strip. I cut these panels from the newspaper in 1992. You may need to click on them in order to read the text.


  1. These are so sad and yet so funny at the same time.

  2. That's great! How come they haven't come out with a series called "Pro Players Wives"? It makes more sense than a lot of stuff card companies have done.

  3. I actually have a card of one player's former wife, Darren Daulton. His former wife was a spokesperson for Hooters. Someone I know, bought a pack of Hooters cards (I haven't seen them on Pack A Day), many years ago and Mrs. Daulton's card was in it. He gave it to me and I have it with my Phillies cards.

  4. Classic. And quite accurate for 1992.

  5. Tank! The card company name is rather accurate, too.

  6. Funniest thing I've seen today. Who knew that almost 17 years later that we're almost at this point...


    JayBee Anama
