Sunday, December 7, 2008

Song of the Week - Wine Red by The Hush Sound

I have 6,034 songs in iTunes. If you're paying attention you'll notice this is a big jump. Over the Thanksgiving Holiday (when I had the whole week off), I copied about 35 albums to mp3 with my new USB turntable.

Steve, over at The Easy Life had posted some baseball cards he was willing to trade. Since there was a Phillie and an Astros auto which I didn't have I made him an offer. He got this nice Mike Piazza card for the autos. But in addition to the cards he sent a CD full of tunes. Tunes I didn't already have.

The first on the disk is something called "Wine Red" by The Hush Sound. This is a quartet from the mid-West and I really like them. There are a few of there videos on You Tube. They formed in 2004 and have 3 CDs out. This song is from their 2006 album called Like Vines. You can read about them here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cliff - I'm glad your diggin' the tunes - Love that album, love that song... doesnt hurt shes a pretty girl either
