Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good Old Rock 'n Roll - Cat Mother

I have 6,114 songs on iTunes. This is one of them.

The full name of this band is Cat Mother and the All Night News Boys. The song is from their 1968 debut album The Street Giveth and the Street Taketh Away. I am willing to bet that this is a band you never heard of. The song was a hit in the Summer of 1969. The album was produced by Jimi Hendrix. Cat Mother had 4 albums but I only know this one and their second. The band was sort of a commune organization. Their second album Albion Doo-Wah (released in 1970) features a photo of the band surrounded by wives, girlfriends, children, dogs and assorted livestock at the home they all shared. I really love this album, but since I only have it on LP, I haven't heard it in years. I've just recently used my USB turntable to record it to my computer as mp3 files. I used to play the heck out of this record and I was surprised at how well the digital files sound. The record was available on CD but is now out of print. Amazon has 2 copies of the CD for sale, one for $60, the other for $80. This song, as you can guess by the title, is a medly of 1950s era rock and roll songs. they were not an oldies band however, and given a choice, I'd highlight a different song. But this is the only song on You Tube I could find.

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