Sunday, November 23, 2008

Song of the Week - Falling by Julie Cruise

I have 5,710 songs in iTunes. This is one of them.

This song is from the television show Twin Peaks. The show was set in a small fiction town in Washington state called Twin Peaks. The story involved the death of local girl Laura Palmer and the FBI agent (played by Kyle MacLachlan) sent to investigate her murder. It was produced and directed by David Lynch. The pilot aired on April 8, 1990. 7 more episodes were shown starting in June. A second season of 22 episodes aired starting in fall of 1990. The show was a critical and popular success. It was also strange. Twin Peaks had a lot of odd people (like the lady who walked around carrying a log, which she spoke to). There was also a lot of bad stuff going on under the placid exterior of a small town. Laura Palmer seemed to be the perfect high school student but was involved in drugs and other things.

The show was quite a phonomenon in 1990. But it couldn't sustain the pace. By the end of the second season, viewership had fallen off and eventually who killed Laura Palmer had to be reveled. The end of the second season was disappointing and, really, once the killer was revealed, there was no point to the series. There was a movie prequel in 1992 but, by then, who cared?

I was a big fan of the show. It is available on DVD. The first season was excellent.

Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.

Then I saw your face
Then I saw your smile

The sky is still blue
The clouds come and go
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?

Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.

Then your kiss so soft
Then your touch so warm

The stars still shine bright
The mountains still high
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?

Are we falling in love?


  1. This is like a combination of Berlin, A-Ha!, and Enya all rolled into one song...

  2. helan (or Barbara) thanks for the nice comment. I love getting comments.

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