Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Something else to worry about...

As if having Hurricane Ike in the Gulf aimed at Texas wasn't enough to worry about I've got something else that's going to keep me away from blogging for at least a few days. At least it looks like Ike isn't coming my way. I know I don't have a large readership for this blog but I also know that most of the readers come back time and again. For that I thank you (you know who you are).

Sometimes real life intervenes in the exciting world of baseball and baseball card collecting. I had a stress test yesterday and they found a blockage in my heart. This is about as real life as you can get. They don't know how bad so I'm going in tomorrow for a cardiac catheterazation. In the best case they can fix the problem with a stent and I go home on Friday. In the worst case I'll need surgery. In the best case I hoe to make a post on Friday with one of my favorite baseball cards. Otherwise, I might be away for a while. I appreciate my readers checking back once in awhile to see if I'm back. In the meanwhile, Go Phillies.


  1. Whaat? Cliff, you have such a great heart we are confident you will be fine, but of course our thoughts are one hundred percent with you. We are sending a special Lucy-Compiled Big Stack of Good Stuff for you to play with when you get back and we'll even manage actually to mail it.
    PS Our mystical word verification today is tyovoo.

  2. Wow, get well soon man...I will eagerly await your next musical or bonsai post.

  3. Yes Get well soon.

    Will definitely be checking in and hoping things go well.

  4. Oh man, hope everything works out. Hope you are not away too long.

  5. I'm really sorry to hear that, Cliff. Man, I hope everything turns out for the best. You're in my prayers.

  6. Here's hoping you get better quick and the Mets win the East. You wouldn't want to deal with the STRESS of the Phillies in the playoffs!

  7. My prayers are with you, Cliff. I enjoy your blogs, and hope to hear more soon.

    In the meantime, although it may add to your stress levels, I hope your Phils don't gain too much ground in the playoff hunt that my Brewers are leading (and by that, I mean the oh-so-sought-after 'Wild Card' berth...)

  8. I wish you all the best...we'll all be thinking of you and look forward to new posts...stay well
