Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tropical Storm Edouard

Tuesday August 5th 6:50 AM

One of the problems of living on the Gulf Coast is the occasional tropical storm or hurricane. In 2005 we were part of that mob scene evacuating from the upper Texas Gulf Coast due to Hurricane Rita. We spent 21 hours on the road just trying to get to the Austin area. We were lucky and the storm didn't actually hit our house.

I'm going to attempt to live blog the storm all day. It started raining here at about 6:15 and the winds are 10 mph. There is a US weather station just a few miles from my house so conditions there (from weather.com) are pretty much conditions here.

Yesterday afternoon Edouard was predicted to go right over where I live in League City. The latest update, posted at 4 AM shows the storm track a bit further east of us. I don't think its going to make much difference. 3-5 inches of rain are expected. At 4 AM, the storm had sustained winds of 65 mph. This is just short of being a hurricane. It has picked up speed, and is moving 12 mph, compared to 7 mph last night. The sooner it gets out of the water the better.
No evacuations have been ordered. Not much of a storm surge is expected and we're far enough inland to not be affected. The main problem is expected to be downed power lines due to falling trees. If I'm off the air for an extended period, I've probably lost power. Here's the latest weather map.

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