Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tropical Storm Edouard - Final Update

Well, thank God this series of posts was pretty boring. It was bit of an adventure getting to work. I-45 was tricky, mainly because visibility was poor. The wind wasn't really a problem and the traffic was light. I almost turned back a couple of times. But the second half of the trip, after I got off the Interstate, was no worse than a light rain. By the time I left for home (at about 3:30), the rain had stopped. There was some flooding and some power outages, but nothing very serious (unless of course, it was your house that got flooded).


  1. Glad you're ok, keep dodging those storms...

  2. Glad to hear it was a sort of quiet day - and congrats on leading in the Throrzul trade contest. Although I hear Stale Gum is lurking.

    You didn't miss much in the Phils last night - except the Umps blew a call to give Victorino a homer, but it wasn't enough.
