Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Trade with Tribecards

I mentioned before that one of the nice things about being part of the wild world of the Baseball Card Blogosphere (BCB) is that sometimes, somebody will just send you stuff. I'd mentioned somewhere in a comment on some blog that I'm trying to complete the 1987 Topps set. This is my favorite set from the late 1980s. I'm not trying very hard but cards from this set seem to always be available in in repacks. David over at TribeCards offered to send me some 1987 Topps from a repack he'd just bought. He sent me about 12 cards, of which I needed 3. Later he offered to send me more if I would send him my 1987 Topps want list. How could I refuse? Today I got 18 cards in the mail from him, including these two pictured.

I'm not really a set collector and I could buy the whole set on eBay for about 5 bucks. But this is more fun.

The only way I going to get people to keep sending me cards is to send them cards back. Luckily, I've got a lot of cards I don't really care about (but that other people will care about) in boxes in my den closet.

I'll be getting a bunch of random Indians cards out to David as soon as I can.


  1. I've got a number of these that I guess I could part with. If you are interested in a trade, shoot me your wantlist and I'll see what I have for you.

  2. Same here. It's funny that you are talking about this set today as later today I will be entering all of my 1987 Topps into "Motherscratcher's Epic Microsoft Access Experiment of 2008". I could sure use a few less cards to enter.

  3. I'd be glad to entertain a trade with you two gentlemen. In fact, you've prompted me to start a want list. I've linked to it at the top of Capewood's Collections. All the 1987 Topps cards I need are listed. Send me an email with a proposal.I've got a lot of cards so I probably have something you want.
