Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Blog, I mean Wiki, Open For Business

I've been thinking for about a month about starting a baseball card only blog. About 2 weeks ago I came up with an idea and started laying it out. I got some encouragement from others in the BCB (baseball card blogosphere), so today is opening day. But it's not going to be a blog, but a wiki (an on-line encyclopedia) Please check it out at Baseball Card Reference.

I've got an over long explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish at the new site. So rather than reproduce that here, I'll hope you'll at least give it one look to see what I'm talking about.

I still plan to post here, probably 3-4 posts a week, with the same mix of topics. And I'll still try for a post a week at Things Done To Cards. The hardest part of doing a blog, I find, is coming up with content. Coming up with new content will not be a problem with what I'm doing on the new site so hopefully I be able to keep up with this.

This Pete Rose card is the first card posted at the new site.

1 comment:

  1. Cliff
    I went to the new Blog. Its great I can't wait to see more
