Monday, February 4, 2008

Cliff Walk Postcard

Cliff Walk is a path that runs along the ocean in Newport, Rhode Island. I naturally have an interest in the place. Some years ago, Brian and Jo Anne Gallagher sent me a post card from there. Later, I found that I could buy Cliff Walk post cards on eBay. I currently have about 100 of them. Some are used and some are not. The earliest postmark I have is from 1904.

I actually like the used (that is mailed) cards better as they tell a little story that is generally a mystery to me. This card is postmarked March 28, 1906 and pictures a portion of the Walk called Ochre Point. I didn't mention that in the early 20th century, Cliff Walk was a get away place for wealthy people. Several mansions are pictured on this card. I'm not a postcard expert but postcards of this period apparently had the address on the back and any message is written in the white space below the picture. Divided back postcards, where the address and message are on the back, were developed later. I paid $1.83 for this card in February 2002.

This card was mailed by Margaret M. Nolan to Mr. J. R. McDonald in Chicago. Her message reads "I am patiently waiting for that surprise. Will it be a pleasant one?" I can speculate all I want, but I'll never know.


  1. Just testing out the comment capabilities. One day we will visit the Cliff Walk. Couldn't leave a comment on your earlier post "Song of the Week" so here it is: A feel good song accompanied by a number of feel good photos - I like your "song of the week".
    Anne Marie

  2. This is just a test.
